Our On-Site Mold Services

In New York State, mold assessments and mold remediation requires special care and attention to meet the specifications and regulations set forth. In New York, every mold cleanup project performed by professionals must follow these steps: assessment, remediation (clean up) and clearance.

At UNYSE Environmental Consultants, our team provides comprehensive evaluations of residential, commercial and institutional properties, searching for the presence and locations of molds and water damage. Our certified staff will perform moisture testing and collect swab and air samples to determine if mold in the space presents an environmental health hazard to building occupants. Our final report will then review, in detail, the extent of mold hazards and offer recommendations to address the identified mold hazards.

Mold Assessments

UNYSE will conduct assessments for the presence and concentration of mold per NYS Mold Program requirements. A mold assessment is conducted to determine the specifics for remediation, including locations and quantities of materials for treatment and may establish background concentrations of airborne spores. Mold assessment reports and remediation plans are provided to our clients for distribution to certified mold remediation contractors.

Note: Mold assessments and remediation cannot be conducted by the same firm.

Mold Remediation Plans

Our team will prepare mold remediation plans that a mold remediation contractor must use for abatement or remediation. A Mold Remediation Plan will identify the source of the moisture causing mold growth, how to remedy the moisture issue, the mold remediation methods to be used for cleanup and the criteria that must be met to consider the cleanup complete.  

Mold Remediation Project Monitoring

UNYSE will work with property owners, government officials, community-based organizations and housing agencies to provide compliance monitoring during hazard control to ensure compliance with work practice standards. UNYSE project management entails pre-project coordination between property owner and contractor, on-site oversight of hazard control practices, post remediation assessments and final reporting.

Post-Remediation Assessment

A post mitigation assessment “clearance” is conducted to determine the quality of remediation and to confirm that the remediation was successful. UNYSE certified mold assessors will complete a thorough post-remediation inspection and develop a written passed clearance report or final status report.

Mold Sampling & Analysis

UNYSE can conduct air and bulk sampling to confirm the presence and type of mold as well as compare the levels and types of mold spores found inside the building with those found outside of the building or for comparison with another location in the building. We utilize multiple mold sampling techniques, including swab, spore trap and plate collection, to determine if contamination is present during initial and post-remediation assessments.

Choose your mold testing service

Contact our team for more information about the mold assessment and remediation services that are available in New York State. Estimates are available upon request, and we’re happy to answer any questions you may have.

Call us today for more information and to speak to a specialist near you 877-466-4429.

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Our Service Areas:

  • Albany
  • Buffalo
  • Manhattan
  • New York City
  • Rochester
  • Syracuse
  • And more