Professional Lead Abatement Services

Leading Lead Abatement Contractors in Western New York

lead Abatement siteAfter lead testing has been completed and has shown lead to be present in your building or facility, it’s important to find a team of reliable professionals to carry out the lead abatement that you can trust to keep relevant parties safe, including building tenants, workers or anyone else who goes in often.

For professional lead remediation in Western New York performed by certified contractors, turn to UNYSE.

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About UNYSE’s Role in Lead Abatement

Since 1993, we’ve established ourselves as a leader in handling hazardous materials, including lead. Relying on years of experience, our knowledgeable team can help carry out the required abatement. We do this with knowledge, prioritizing safety and efficiency.

Additionally, our level of expertise allows us to work thoroughly. Lead may be hiding almost anywhere in your building, and we know where to look. Lead can be lurking in:

  • Household dust
  • Paint
  • Pipes
  • Handrails and banisters
  • And more

When Lead Remediation Must be Carried Out

Lead abatement is required when a child has been diagnosed with an elevated blood level (EBL), whenever Federal Housing Assistance exceeds certain amounts and when the goal of lead hazard control is to permanently eliminate lead-based paint (LBP) or lead hazards. Additionally, lead abatement is required when lead is present and it will be disturbed in renovations or repairs.

All lead hazard control must be accompanied by work area containment, controls and specialized clean-up, followed by a thorough clearance examination by UNYSE.

Learn More About Our Lead Abatement

For the best lead remediation in Western New York, contact UNYSE today. Learn more about the service we provide and request a quote today. Or schedule an appointment!

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